Why Should You Plant Trees?

Most people understand the multiple benefits of trees. Beauty, shade, and oxygen production are a few of the most common benefits people cite. While these are the most common, and maybe the most important, there are many other reasons for planting or transplanting tree.

Reasons to Plant Trees

A beautiful, well-planned tree canopy can increase the value of your property

• Trees can reduce cooling costs in the summer by providing shade to buildings

• Trees prevent soil erosion

• Trees prevent water runoff

• Trees can clean as much as 330 lbs of carbon dioxide and convert it into oxygen

• Trees provide cooling shade, making hot summers more tolerable outside

• Carefully planned tree planting can reduce noise pollution from nearby noisy areas

• Trees help prevent flooding

• Trees are a gift from you to future generations

Planting a Tree or 
Transplanting a Tree

Whether planting a tree purchased from a nursery or transplanting a tree from one location to another, the process is extremely stressful on the tree. The utmost care must be taken to maximize the chances that the tree will survive the shock.

Full Canopy’s certified tree experts can help you with the process from beginning to end. 

 Starting with choosing the best candidate from the nursery or evaluating the health of the tree to be moved all the way through to preparing the soil, site selection and help with ensuring the tree recovers from the shock of the transplant and acceptance of its new home, Full Canopy Tree Care will be with you all the way.

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