Arborist Consulting

Full Canopy’s arborists are happy to offer arborist consulting in Georgetown and the surrounding areas. We can evaluate your current trees, discuss the viability of your future tree plans, or help you plan future treescape adjustments. 

We can evaluate the soil and the health of the trees currently on the property and help you choose trees that will both thrive on your property as well as fulfill your needs.

Full Arborist Report

We can provide a full arborist report for your personal needs or to satisfy city requirements for various tree-related ordinances. Our Arborist Report will detail information about the health of your tree(s), the soil condition, and any related information such as structural issues, diseases, or dangerous conditions justifying removal. We’ll also recommend any remedial actions that may be helpful such as soil remediation, fungus treatment, pruning, or removal.

There are cases where an Arborist Report may be necessary before removing certain trees from your property. Some municipalities enact large fines for the unauthorized removal of protected trees unless an Arborist Report completed by a certified arborist is reviewed and accepted by the city.

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